Take a long hard look at this receipt I got before midnight. It may be the last time you will see oil this "low." By midnight tonight, this piece of thermal paper becomes a thing of the past. A dream, a souvenir, or worse - it's a work of fiction. The receipt says (in red box) Php54.570/liter and that's Php2.00 lower than the regular unleaded gasoline available in the market today. Why? It's Shell's Super Unleaded E10 or it's bio-ethanol version of unleaded gasoline. A really rare type of gasoline here in the Philippines. Whoopee... good for Filipino consumers. :)
The price of oil today compared to months earlier is high - really high . And the madness will not stop, not even nights toward weeks from now. Midnight is dread night in the Philippines and according to the radio media I heard this evening, the hardship of Filipinos across the globe will not stop. In fact, this is the 16th time the price of oil will go up. Oil prices will rise again by Php1.50 by midnight. That's about 39 minutes to the time I made this sentence of this blog entry. Signs of the times you say? It is. When will it stop? I don't know. It makes me think about the life my unborn child will live after he is born this year. Sigh. I wonder what the price of oil will be by the end of this year. Php65/liter? I dread that day. But who cares. I speak faith. I speak hope to what tomorrow may say otherwise. I don't pin my hopes on prices of oil. Yes, it's tough to live today compared to yesterday but why would I worry about tomorrow? Why would I worry on something I have no control of? It will be really silly of me to think about the future when the future can take care of itself. I guess, as men, we should battle daily on what will hinder our family's future. I'm thinking about what I can do today to take care of tomorrow. Hmmm...one option is to move back to my parents house to weather the effects of this crazy oil crisis. Should I push the panic button now? I should stand on my own as it should be a testimony to my children's life. Hmmm... I'll think about it but for sure what I should decide to do tomorrow should be able to honor God. Period.
Now, that I've said my gripe. It's now time to go back to work.