Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Steve Jobs to crowd: 'We're having a little problem here'

"Well, I'm sorry, guys, I don't know what's going on,. . ."

Stever Jobs always wows the crowd with his remarkable presentations. I haven't been to one (and I wish I could see him do product launches in Manila - dream on) but you can just imagine how he weaves his magic and uses such tools like iPhones and iPads to push his product. This time, though, he was lost for words and couldn't get the wifi network to get back one. The whole thing happened - for what seemed to be for Jobs like an eternity - during his iPhone 4 product launch but the audience were forgiving. But they weren't as nice to AT&T who provided the wifi network to this event. Nonetheless, it was a welcome not that such an iconic person like Jobs is human afterall and that no matter how un-stellar the presentation was, people love Mac right now - no matter what.

Posted via web from Bad Media

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